So…I have been submitting applications for things out the whazzoo these days, which means lots and lots of hours spent in what is called pre-development.  Producers are forever trying to get projects off the ground and it’s always a God send when it happens.  It sort of feels like auditioning. Most of the time you don’t land the role you are auditioning for when you are an actor, but when you do…its the greatest feeling. Then you forget all those times you didn’t get it because that one role you just landed makes up for all the no’s. At least that’s been my experience.

I have learned not to take rejection personally. I work hard and have spent countless hours studying and practicing both acting and producing, and I have learned over the years that most of the time when you aren’t the one whose chosen, it’s not because you suck or because your project sucks. The reason usually has nothing to do with that. I could list dozens of reasons I know to be true as to why some people don’t land the acting role they’ve just auditioned for (partly because I’ve heard the reasons being a producer or a reader or even a casting director) or why their project wasn’t picked up for funding or why the broadcaster or Distributor passed on it, but I won’t get into all that here.

Point is…my time is coming…I can feel it. One, if not more of the projects I have been in pre-development with are going to get made. It is just a matter of time. But not too much time. They’re coming and I AM READY.