About hayesweb

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So far hayesweb has created 17 blog entries.

Fight for your rights

2023-11-17T18:17:09+00:00November 17, 2023|

Sorry, it's been awhile since I lasted posted. I generally try and post at least once a week, but sometimes "life" gets in the way.  Lol.  And that's not necessarily a bad thing. This post is more or less a follow-up to my last post. What I wrote really stuck

I’m grumpy

2023-10-27T23:07:27+00:00October 27, 2023|

I'm allowed to be grumpy right?  I mean, it doesn't happen very often...but I think it's warranted.  Without giving away too many details (as I don't want to use peoples names or specifically describe the issue at hand that is going on), I will at least describe what I feel

SUN Shoot and nearing year end

2023-10-21T16:45:25+00:00October 21, 2023|

I really enjoy these Saskatchewan Union of Nurses shoots. The first one I ever produced was maybe 12 years ago? Or longer even? The client is super cool and the nurses are all easy going and good to work with. We sometimes travel all over to shoot for SUN, but

I’m tired…

2023-10-13T18:53:47+00:00October 13, 2023|

It's a challenge to do everything I do and still get enough sleep. But it's even more of a challenge when you go to bed at a decent time and toss and turn.  Maybe it's a menopause thing?  Whatever it is, it sucks. There must be some natural way I

Getting into shape

2023-10-04T03:10:32+00:00October 4, 2023|

Yep…I just started this routine. I got off to a rocky start…about 4 weeks ago and have kind of been all over the map, but I suppose that’s to be expected when you haven’t exercised for a year and a half. But all I did a year and a half

Tired as tired as can be…

2023-09-28T02:07:28+00:00September 28, 2023|

Lol. It's nobody's fault but mine. I was on a good little routine there for awhile, but I fell off it when I went to Winnipeg for a week and haven't gotten back into one since I have returned. Been going to bed way too late for my early morning

SERIES Incubator Program

2023-09-19T22:33:04+00:00September 19, 2023|

Last week was a blast!  I got to meet 4 other people I have never met before who all were selected for the same program as me and Ryan. I know two of the participants who got selected, so in total there were (are) 8 of us!  Each project is

Applications and such

2023-09-14T00:09:29+00:00September 14, 2023|

So...I have been submitting applications for things out the whazzoo these days, which means lots and lots of hours spent in what is called pre-development.  Producers are forever trying to get projects off the ground and it's always a God send when it happens.  It sort of feels like auditioning.

NSI Series Incubator

2023-09-07T03:05:54+00:00September 7, 2023|

I was beyond excited when I found out last week that me and my team mate, Ryan Moccasin made it into the National Screen Institute Series Incubator program! We applied with me as the Producer and him as the writer for a long form comedy series we want to get

Another tag along

2023-08-30T23:50:34+00:00August 30, 2023|

Yes you read right. I brought my daughter on another work trip last week to Prince Albert and La Ronge, except that she had a much better time. There was a lot more going on and one of the crew members taught my daughter how to crochet and she loves