I really enjoy these Saskatchewan Union of Nurses shoots. The first one I ever produced was maybe 12 years ago? Or longer even? The client is super cool and the nurses are all easy going and good to work with. We sometimes travel all over to shoot for SUN, but these last few times we’ve decided to centralize the shoots at the U of S and bring the nurses to us. It has been working out well. We shot in Saskatoon last weekend and are here in Saskatoon again this weekend.
The weather in Saskatchewan has been remarkable for this time of year. Like 20 degrees! Say what? I LOVE it. It is the first proper Fall I can remember having here in like 15 to 20 years. Maybe we’ll have a shorter Winter. That would be nice as Winter’s feel like they last for half the year here. Lol.
I am looking forward to what the rest of the year has in store. I am hopeful that I will manage to do a lot of catch up and start the new year fresh and ready for new things!