Sorry, it’s been awhile since I lasted posted. I generally try and post at least once a week, but sometimes “life” gets in the way.  Lol.  And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

This post is more or less a follow-up to my last post. What I wrote really stuck with me and I like to practice what I preach. I don’t like to talk just to hear the sound of my own voice. Some would probably disagree because I DO talk a lot. But I’m working on less talky talky and more listening. I always want to be the helper, the problem solver, the doer, the guide, the one with all the answers and if I don’t have them, I’ll find them. But sometimes talking too much gets me in hot water and I say more than I need to.  Sometimes people hang off of every one of my words and if I say the wrong thing…well they may act on those words before I get a chance to take them back and re-explain.  You see? As helpful as I try to be, I sometimes make a mess of things when really, I only had good intentions to begin with.

This is why I need to talk less and listen more. THIS is going to take practice. But it needs to be done.

Where am I going with this? Well, on top of this, too many times I turn a blind eye to the things I know are wrong. I don’t want to be “that” person…you know?  The complainer. The “tattle-tale.” The thorn in a persons side.  Yadda Yadda…But then, I catch myself complaining about the things that people do. But when you think about it, what gives me the right to complain about them when I CHOOSE to do nothing about it?  How many other people think the same way I do?  Well how the heck is that person we are complaining about ever supposed to stop if no-one ever tells them that what they are doing is wrong? If they get away with it, why would they stop?

I’m not saying we are all right when it comes to determining what’s wrong and what isn’t, but God gave us a brain and he gave us the ability to know the difference between wrong and right, so I think we as humans need to take a close look at what we think may be wrong and determine…is it wrong?  Or is it just going against our own personal characteristics and traits?  For example, you may feel that it is wrong to wear makeup, so when you see someone else wearing a ton of it, does it truly make it wrong or is that just your opinion? Truly, that person wearing make-up isn’t hurting anybody or themselves, so deep down inside you must know it is not wrong, it is just your opinion and that person should NOT be judged for it. It’s not our place to judge anyway. HOWEVER, if you saw someone kick a cat (I have no idea why that example popped into my head), maybe because I was once told someone once thought it would be funny to use them as a football (disgusting I know), but NO ONE stopped them and those who thought it was wrong, didn’t say or do anything about it. Now you all know that kicking the cat was wrong.

I could list thousands of examples of what an “opinion of what is considered wrong is” and just as many examples of what is “actually wrong”, but I think this one example I used above should land home with most of you.

So after I wrote my last post, I went and addressed an organization that made an error with an advertisement they broadcast on the radio that inadvertently excluded or set apart a particular ethnicity from a group they actually belong to.  I would never normally do this, but something in me has un-expectantly shifted and I felt very strongly that something needed to be said. And the most amazing response occurred. The organization apologized and immediately took down the ad. They were sympathetic to my concerns and handled them graciously. I wasn’t at all rude about it when I approached them, I just pointed out matter-of-factly why this Ad was inappropriate and they were quick to fix it.  What an amazing learning experience for me that was!  And I was elated!

So I leave you with this. Make a difference in this World and if something happens that you KNOW is wrong (and it’s not just an opinion), don’t just stand by and watch it happen. Do something about it.